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The House of Katabasis
Is the Twin House of House Anastasis. Newly created for the new Dynasty, the origin of this house gets its name from the ancient art of "Dying and Rising". The crown(Anastasis) recognizes the "Most Holy" Orthodox Church; but the realm(Katabasis) supports the "ancient arts" of Greece.
This House is already honored to a *Iyemonissa/Charakissa.
Coat of Arms
Raven- A symbol of Apollōn that symbolizes his connection to death and the underworld. It also symbolizes the act of descension, opposite of the Phoenix.
Double Headed Byzantine Eagle- Symbolizes how ancient the Word/Verb Katabasis is, but how newly formed the house is.
Four Greek Crosses- Symbolizes the recognition of Greece as a free country, in which we wish not to rule by control, but to reign by the influence of inspiration.
-Symbolizes Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, Equality
-Symbolizes foundation (as Greece is the mother of Civilization)
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